Ilanit Illouz
Ilanit Illouz

Ilanit Illouz looks to the ground like an archaeologist in order to examine the properties and the stigmata of places marked by history. This is what makes up the phusis or natural physics which becomes the artist's research base. The four elements water, earth, fire and air and the exhaustion of themselves guide the artistic project.The visible or invisible trace becomes the narrative thread of Ilanit Illouz's work.
From her trip she brings back photographs and salt from the Dead Sea that she uses to reveal and cover her images in the manner of Niépce with bitumen from Judea as a photosensitive product for heliography.
These books are working documents for the artist that help her to form the corpu
The book Wadi Qelt, dans la clarté des pierre brings together the corpus of images produced in the Judean desert and documents this specific and plastic long-term work called Les Dolines (2016-2021).
From her trip she brings back photographs and salt from the Dead Sea that she uses to reveal and cover her images in the manner of Niépce with bitumen from Judea as a photosensitive product for heliography.
These books are working documents for the artist that help her to form the corpu
The book Wadi Qelt, dans la clarté des pierre brings together the corpus of images produced in the Judean desert and documents this specific and plastic long-term work called Les Dolines (2016-2021).
First edition
Limited edition to 50 copies and 25 artist proofs.
20 x 28,1cm
Cahier I 20 pages,
Cahier II20 pages,
Cahier III 44 pages
Mai 2017
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